Mukoli is dedicated to celebrating and showcasing the talent of writers and artists from around the world. Your support helps us to continue providing a platform for creative voices and enriching our community with diverse and inspiring content.
How Your Donation Helps:
Support Our Contributors: Every donation goes directly toward compensating the talented writers and artists whose work graces our pages. For every $75 donated, we can pay one contributor per issue, ensuring they are recognized and rewarded for their invaluable contributions.
Exclusive Invitation: As a token of our gratitude, donors who contribute $75 or more will be invited to an exclusive poetry reading event. This special event, hosted by Mukoli and SCMPD, offers a unique opportunity to engage with our creative community and enjoy live readings from our featured artists.
Why Your Support Matters:
Your generosity allows Mukoli to continue its mission of promoting artistic expression and providing a space for emerging and established voices alike. By supporting our magazine, you help us sustain the arts and ensure that our contributors are fairly compensated for their work.
Every contribution makes a difference, and we appreciate your support in helping us bring creativity to life. Together, we can continue to inspire and uplift through the power of the written word.
Thank you for your commitment to the arts and for being a part of Mukoli’s journey!
For those that contribute $75, you will be invited to an exclusive poetry reading event.